Friday, January 14, 2011


This is my son's suggestion--having a Caturday. According to my son, I should have one post per week dedicated to advice, stories about the cats, cat photos...well you get it. He said it was because the name of the blog was "Chile Cats" after all. 

So here's to my first Caturday post. Complete with  photos. 

"I hunted a stocking! I hunted a stocking!"

"I don't know why the humans want to invest in a paper shredder...I DO the job very well!"
"Get your own damn thingy...this one's MINE!" 
"You make a nice pillow Sis..."

"Anything that's simple enough for the humans...
"....ought to be!"


  1. your cats are beautiful! I have three indoor ones of my own, and inherited three ferals from my dad

  2. I love the pictures! You should make a button, or linky, or whatever and start a little meme. I will participate!

  3. Your pictures and captions are so great. What a fun idea.

  4. LOL!!!! I LOVE this post !!!
    Caturday is my new favorite day of the week !!!!
    m.e. :D

  5. I so enjoyed seeing your photos. I haven't seen any of your cats for awhile.

  6. Hurray for Caturday! A great way to see all the kitties. And I believe everyone should have their own damn thingy!

  7. Did you ever visit "" I think you would enjoy it and they have "chairtuday" celebrating the plastic lawn chair - good stuff!

  8. awww those pictures are fab and so cute ! I think Caturday is a great idea and Im sure my kitties would agree there ought to be a day dedicated to cats :))

  9. Your son has a great idea there!
    The photos are wonderful and have lots of cattitude! Love them. :)

  10. Cathryn, Thanks for visiting my blog. i really enjoyed reading the story of your shop ... love the name "My Other Vice." Keep up the good work ... it looks like you have quite a few partners in crime ... furry four-legged ones!

  11. Yay, now I can get my weekly feline fix.
